Personal Data Protection

We as MALKARA BİRLİK SÜT VE SÜT MAMÜLLLERİ A.Ş. ("MAYBİ") Show maximum sensitivity to the subject regarding the safety of your personal data. We as MAYBİ, attach importance to process and preserve all kinds of personal data of all persons related to MAYBI including persons benefiting from our products and services in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data with number 6698. We, acting as "Data Controller" based on full consciousness of our responsibility and in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, process your personal data within the scope and conditions mentioned below..
1. What is Personal Data?
Personal data is defined as all kinds of information related to real person whose identity is determined or may be determinable in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. Accordingly, your names, surname, electronic mail address and telephone number that you share with us are defined as personal data.
2. What is the purpose of our collecting your personal data?
MAYBI collects your personal information and processes them in this respect to enable us fulfill our legal obligations and inform you of the campaigns and advantages in connection with your product and service relationship with MAYBI.
3. For what purpose to whom we transfer your personal data?
Your personal data may be shared with MAYBI shareholders, our direct/indirect domestic/foreign affiliates, institutions and establishments who are our business partners together representing us while business relationship continues and/or that we cooperate to carry out our activities and with domestic /foreign persons and institutions from whom we receive service for cloud storage of data. Also, based on our legal obligations and as limited to the matters mentioned above, personal data are shared with courts and other public institutions.
4. How do we store your personal data?
Your personal data shared with our company are kept in accordance with related legal arrangements in secured servers of MAYBI, Provisions of Law on the Protection of Personal Data and MAYBI standards.
5. How long do we keep your personal data?
In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, your personal data will be deleted, removed by us or continued to be used after anonymization when the purpose of processing is not required pursuant to LPPD article 7/f.1 and/or when the period of limitation that we are obliged to process your data pursuant to the legislation all expires.
6. What are your rights based on the Law on the Protection of Personal Data?
In accordance with the legislation on your processed personal data; you have the right to learn whether personal data are processed or not, if personal data processed, you have the right to request information in this respect, learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether these are used suitable for the purpose, know third persons whom personal data are transferred in homeland and abroad, request correction of personal data in terms of false or incomplete personal data processing, request deletion or removal of personal data, correction of personal data in terms of false or incomplete personal data processing and/or request for the third persons (whom personal data are transferred) to be informed of the operations on the deletion or removal of personal data, object to any result against him/herself provided that the processed data are exclusively analyzed by means of automatic systems and claim for making good a damage if personal data is damaged due to illegal processing of personal data.
7. How will you be able to exercise your rights on your personal data that you've declared to us?
You have the right to request us to transmit all kinds of information kept about you. You may delete, correct or review your personal data by calling the telephone number MAYBİ +90 282 437 71 71 .